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About BioFulvic
At BioFulvic, we strive to be the very best we can be.
Since our earliest days as a company, we have made a commitment to provide the very best products and customer care possible.
Our company listens to feedback, suggestions and values your input. Our customers are like family. We go above and beyond to ensure customers like you receive information, answers and help with your order, shipping and follow up.
You get Freebies because you deserve them! When we develop new products, select customers can sample for free!
We share because we care-sending out updates and deals to customers makes us happy too! At BioFulvic, we LOVE our customers!

We have a standard higher than current supplement industry benchmarks. At BioFulvic, we want to share our products with our families and use it ourselves. Our choice to use certified facilities for testing, to utilize the most exacting tests for accuracy and truth keeps us honest and requires extreme commitment to quality.
Money isn't everything. When we prosper, so should others. BioFulvic makes a flat 10% of profits donation bi-annually to non-profits, ministry and charity. Our company wants to improve the lives of our customers, but we also seek to help beyond our customer base.

With a commitment to supporting local business, using natural & recyclable materials and shipping direct to our customers, we keep our carbon footprint low. Our competitors rely on foreign sourced packaging, environmentally damaging plastics and ship their products to multiple fulfillment centers and distributors.
Don't settle for a company who doesn't answer questions, makes dubious claims or refuses to disclose product test results. Trust BioFulvic for a transparent wellness experience and for a higher standard of product.
We have seen it all; companies with incredible claims, false reviews, watered down product, foreign sourced bottles being resold without FDA oversight or standards, overly processed or under developed concentrates, packaging that looks like a laxative bottle made from leaching plastics, dubious processing procedures, ridiculous misinformation and sales based upon fear tactics.
BioFulvic takes time to answer questions thoughtfully and in earnest to ensure you benefit from our knowledge and are more informed about Fulvic and Humic substances because we care.
We are always developing new products, as we work with other companies to provide them with new product opportunities, we add to our own products periodically. Each new formula is based upon scientific research and formulated carefully using the best natural ingredients. Each product is then tested and distributed for use for feedback and reviewing before its release and included on our site.
At BioFulvic, we have made our products and staff accessible to you.
to learn more about our process, click here

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